Key project presentations during TRA2014
You are invited to the following programme of short presentations put together on key projects at the Agora space (next to the FEHRL booth B1):
Monday 14th April
10:30-11am Networking for urban vitality - Jos Aerts, Rijkswaterstaat, Netherlands
3.30-4pm Cooperative ITS corridor - Frans op de Beek, Rijkswaterstaat, Netherlands
Tuesday 15th April
10.30-11.00am CEDR Programme - Road worker safety: Baselining road works safety on European roads (BRoWSER) - Brian Lawton, TRL, UK
1-1.30pm CEDR Programme - Climate Change: Roads for today, adapted for tomorrow (ROADAPT) - Thomas Bles, DELTARES, Netherlands
ECOLABEL - Development of a novel ECO-LABELing EU-harmonized methodology for cost-effective, safer and greener road products and infrastructures - Carlos Martin-Portugues Montoliu, Acciona, Spain
3.30-4pm CEDR Programme - Traffic noise: Quietness and economics stimulate infrastructure management (QUESTIM) - Gijsjan van Blokland, M+P, Netherlands
Wednesday 16th April
10.30-11am CEDR Programme - Road worker safety: Appropriate speed saves all people (ASAP) - Robert Thompson, VTI, Sweden
3.30-4pm CEDR Programme - Recycling: Effects on availability of road network (EARN) - Cliff Nichols, TRL, UK
Thursday 17th April
10.30-11am DISTANCE - Developing Innovative Solutions for Traffic Noise Control in Europe - Luc Goubert, BRRC, Belgium
1-1.30pm TRIMM - Implementation of advanced monitoring techniques in road asset management - Leif Sjogren, VTI, Sweden