
Save the date for FEHRL's 25th Anniversary!


Special event planned on 13th November 2014 at FEHRL member BRRC.

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Only a few days left to get the early bird registration for TRA2014!


Early bird registration for TRA2014 set to end on 1st February 2014.

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Sign up for the FEHRL newsletter today


Keep up to date on all the FEHRL news and happenings by completing the simple sign-up form.

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Still two weeks left to apply to the TRA Visions Student Competition!


Registration still open to 31st January 2014!

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Article on SMARTRAIL project in new FIRM magazine


Third issue of FEHRL Infrastructure Research Magazine (FIRM) features SMARTRAIL project on pages 12-13.

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New FEHRL Secretary-General in place as of 2nd January 2014


Dr Thierry Goger from COST Office started in new role as FEHRL  Secretary-General. 

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Two new CEDR reports now published


Reports entitled "Traffic Management to reduce congestion" and "Forgiving Roadside Design Guide"

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SUP&R International Training Network (ITN) recruiting young researchers


Key information on recruitment process now available on SUP&R ITN portal and Facebook page.

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FEHRL's September/October 2013 newsletter now published


FEHRL's September/October 2013 newsletter now published with latest news from FEHRL, including new FORx4 roadmap and Infravation flyer.

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Concrete Innovation Conference to be held in Oslo on 11-13th June 2014


CIC 2014 organised by Norwegian Concrete Association in cooperation with FEHRL group members SINTEF and NTNU.

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